A better future for your child
At NWET, your child will be surrounded by goal-oriented people - they will learn to be honest, sincere and frugal while developing their external skills: from building relationships to learn how to make money for a living.
Thus preparing for the future!

What will your child do during our educational programs?

The child will have a rich daily agenda, where they will develop in many ways, broaden their horizons, and implement their ideas. We conduct social surveys, meet and communicate with a lot of young people a day, and run various programs and workshops. Each team member can organize and take responsibility for something that gives incredible life experience and training. Anything is better than sitting at home.
Interested in learning more about our education?
NWET is about:
- unlocking your inner and outer potential
- the ability to build quality long-term relationships
- the ability to find the root of problems and ways to solve them
- expanding your ideas about the fundamental issues of life
- the ability to challenge yourself and achieve your goals

At NWET, although we live together, we still train self-discipline, and the ability to spend free time and take care of ourselves in everyday life. This is a great opportunity to get your first experience of living independently in a community that does not smoke, does not use drugs or alcohol, and practices a healthy lifestyle.

Living conditions
Students live in nice apartments equipped for an educational center. Usually 3-4 people live in a room. Students have three varied meals a day.
Shared accommodation is a mandatory part of studying at Oxford and Cambridge. Even during quarantine, British students listen to lectures online but still live together.
Students also gain important experience in building relationships with their peers, resolving conflicts, and setting up a common household.

Each student will have their own mentor or captain
A mentor is a person who has gone through the same experience as your child, as a mentor with unique expertise in different fields and has overcome similar difficulties. Therefore, your child will receive support and help along the way to gain self-confidence and develop self-discipline.
There is a desire and opportunity to support us?
We invest these funds in improving the conditions of our centers and developing educational programs.
What do the parents of students and organizers from the platform say about us?
"As a mother, I want to see my children happy. And every mother has a period when we can give our children little to nothing."
At this time, you shouldn't be selfish. You need to let your child go into the world. But this world is completely unique, and I am happy that my daughter is surrounded by interesting people who are giving her something important that we, as parents, can no longer give in full. And it's not about money or property. There are many important things in this world to be happy:
The first thing is support. I am happy that my daughter finds support from her friends at NWET because I want her to be happy.
The second thing, no less essential, is development. I like the fact that my daughter wants to do something useful in this world and finds like-minded people on the platform, works on projects with inspiration, constantly develops and is among the developing youth.
Thirdly, she is already learning to build relationships, consciously approaching the issue of marriage and already understands what a responsibility it is.
In general, we love our Liuba and respect her choice!❤️❤️❤️
"It's essential to study, no matter what major, but development is important!"
I have been following your posts and videos since the very beginning of your platform! Just today your new video came to YouTube! I like your life position - development, movement, values - family, sports, education, love for the Motherland and all mankind! You find many interesting things to do together - without alcohol and drugs! I would like to wish NWET new ideas, creative development and success, and many subscribers! And to all the participants of the platform - health, positivity and peace!
Do you still have any questions?
Don't hesitate to text us to get a more detailed explanation.