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NWET команда

Everything important about NWET Academy

How do we see modern challenges?

   There is a tendency in the world to pass problems from generation to generation. Technologies develop, but the essence of the problems does not change. It would be good if they were all small and remained so. But all great things start small. Personal problems naturally flow into interpersonal problems, which themselves become national, and then global.

   Immorality, the destruction of the institution of the family, hunger, environmental pollution, wars, global inequality - all these are the consequences of the fact that a person has not solved the problem of contradictions within himself.

A new alternative education is needed

   Can the modern approach to education solve the problem of contradiction? No. Because there is already a contradiction in the very philosophy of education. It is manifested in the focus on the acquisition of external knowledge and adaptation to modern social conditions of existence. Internal development of personality remains only at the level of personal initiative. As a result, the world's social values are focused on the acquisition of material things and a higher position in society. The one who has more is better.

   We need a philosophy of education that will reveal the inner potential of a person, solve the problem of contradictions, and direct the individual to fundamental values.

A better future is built by people with a global mindset

   Thinking is the personal property of a person. It is a tool with which we transform the external environment and the acquired experience into a single system of knowledge. A lot depends on the development of this tool. Are you a person with narrow thinking, focused on yourself and the immediate environment, or with a global one, which connects the individual with the whole world. Your values, life priorities, daily decisions and life results depend on it.

   Egoism is not capable of solving global problems. This can be done only by people who treat the world's problems as their own, and are ready to take responsibility for their solutions.

The uniqueness of NWET education

   We are shaped by our environment. What we interact with becomes a part of ourselves. Based on this state of affairs, the goal of the NWET platform is to create content and external conditions that will shape a new generation of leaders.

   Our tools on the way to this are the world's best spiritual achievements, social and technological, examples of people who have made a colossal contribution to the development of society, our own experience, and modern development trends.

Our goal

   Creation of an environment that will contribute to the balanced development of the personality, the construction of a strong family institution, and the formation of a healthy society

For this:

- We are developing an online educational platform
- We create lectures, courses and trainings
- We are developing a coliving project

What does our educational program include?

- a course of lectures on NWET philosophy

- global leadership training

- educational meetings and programs

- gaining coliving experience together with the NWET team

- experience of mentoring and development of a personal project

- free access to NWET content

- cooperation in various educational areas

What can I get here?

- Impressions. On your own experience, feel the benefits of the NVET philosophy on your personal life and environment, increase the circle of new acquaintances, become more confident in solving personal concerns

- Knowledge. NWET education is universal. The acquired knowledge can be applied in regulating personal life, building quality long-term relationships and professional development

- Experience. It will help to overcome personal limitations, develop a balanced lifestyle, acquire the basics of leadership and teamwork, learn to find the root of problems and ways to solve them

What do I need to participate?

- be interested in this topic

- write to us in the field above

- pass an interview-acquaintance