Our life path
It is no secret that the environment in which we live, the society, the country, the world, does not meet our desires.
Mastering Time: The Importance of Persistence and Determination
Confronting Life's Challenges
It is no secret that the environment in which we live, the society, the country, the world, does not meet our desires. That's why we face various difficult situations when good intersects with evil. No one will go in the chosen direction instead of me. Out of a hundred people, a hundred have to fight for themselves and confront their environment to arrange their daily lives. We know well from life experience that there is no one who is confident that he or she will do everything he or she planned in the morning during the day.The more acutely we feel how much the environment interferes with our daily life, and the wider the scale of this environment - for example, at the level of society or the world - the more we need determination and energy to move forward and win every day. Otherwise - we know this well - we will not be successful at the end of the day. Then those days turn into months, and months into years.
Mastering Time: The Importance of Persistence and Determination
Thirty times a day is a month, right? Circumstances do not allow us to live this month as we planned. So, at the end of the month, we can only win if we have the utmost patience and determination to push through all the twists and turns and all the circumstances that prevent us from following our chosen path. Without such determination, we will not be able to fulfill our plans for the month and will not emerge victorious.
A year has 12 months, which is 365 days. In order to succeed at the end of the year, a person who has set certain goals on the first day of the new year must be prepared in advance to pass any tests and overcome any circumstances. Otherwise, a hostile, irreconcilable and destructive environment will develop around him or her.To survive one year, a person needs to have enough fighting spirit and strength to move forward for more than 360 days. We know very well that without this, a person will not be able to crown the year with victory. Our life path is to live like this for 1 year and add another 10, 20, 30 years to it. You should know this.
People who live on earth today are limited by time. This has been the case throughout our history. An individual, a family, a clan, a nation, a state, and the world exist within a time frame. In life, a person must have a clear goal that he or she must achieve. We have to devote 10, 20, 30, 70 years and even our entire lives to achieving this goal. And the higher the goal, the stronger our inner determination should be. It is impossible to achieve a goal without determination. We will only succeed if our determination is strong enough to achieve our goal twice.